Porbeagle photos

The Norwegian fishery for porbeagle is now history. Here you will find some photos showing porbeagles, the gear and the crew on a Norwegian fishing vessel from the southwestern part of Norway. All photos are from fishing in The North Sea in 1984.

The fishing gear for porbeagles: Long lines.

The fishing gear. Long lines (floating lines). For bait they used mackerel.

A porbeagle shark caught on the line.

A nice shark (porbeagle) caught on floating line in The North Sea.


It is not easy to unhook the porbeagle shark. Watch out for the sharp teeth.

A live porbeagle

This porbeagle is not yet dead. The crew have to be careful though this shark does not attack man in the water. The sharp teeth can easily cut through the boots.

Porbeagle shark. Not yet unhooked

A porbeagle with the hook still in its mouth.

Porbeagle and crew

Proud fishermen with a large porbeagle.

Fishermen and a porbeagle

A good day for the fishermen. One of many porbeagles this day.

Young fisherman and a porbeagle shark

The porbeagle is cut to let the blood get out of the body.

Porbeagles, cut and clean

After gutting the porbeagles, the catch is gathered.


Most of the work is done. The sharks are gutted and the crew get a brake.

Landing porbeagles

Landing porbeagles near Kristiansand (south in Norway). The crew on the vessel “Brannflu” this season was: Kjell Rasmussen, Kjetil Thorsen, Malvin Rasmussen, Ole Bernhard Rasmussen og Arne Thorsen (see photo below). They were allways four men on board while fishing for porbeagle. The photos on this page is taken between 16. of July and 8. of September 1984. Thanks to Tordis Rasmussen for sharing the photos and information. If you want to know more about the Norwegian porbeagle-fishery, you may visit this page.

The crew on

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